Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Author Interview- Mary Morgan

Happy Tuesday readers.
Please welcome back the amazing Mary Morgan as she shares with us her newest book, 
Dragon Knight's Axe.
I've got my copy, be sure to get yours today.

Tell me three words that describe yourself starting with A, B, and C.

Adaptable, Bold, Compassionate

What are your three favorite things?

An old copy of “The Three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas, My red Kitchen Aid Mixer, and a music box given to me by my husband when we were dating.

Are you self- published or with a publishing company (if so, which one?)?

I’m published with The Wild Rose Press.

Was there any particular inspiration for your characters or story?

Yes. When sitting on a boulder in the Highlands of Scotland one evening, the Dragon Knights were born. I was surrounded by the beauty of the Highlands and sheep bleating in the distance—a perfect place for inspiration. It was on my first trip to Scotland in 2000. I’ve always loved Loch Ness, so it made sense to have the home of the MacKays at Urquhart Castle.

What is the ultimate goal you have for your career?

My books to be made into a television series! Wishful dreams, right? In truth, it’s to continue to write and share my stories with the world. As long as there is someone who wants to read my books, then I shall write the tales. I’m thrilled to be doing what I love to do—weaving passionate stories with magic.

Will there be more books in your series, or can you tell us about any previous books?

I’m in edits for the fourth book, Dragon Knight’s Shield. This is the story of the oldest brother—Angus MacKay. Then there will be a fifth and final book to wrap up the series. Yes, there is a fifth Dragon Knight! All will be revealed in Dragon Knight’s Shield. I’m planning a spin-off with the Fenian Warriors. Currently, there are four books planned in this series, so I’ll be busy writing for awhile.

Favorite writer, book?

Ahh...I have so many, Angela. Yet, one that stands out is “The Mists of Avalon” by Marion Zimmer Bradley.

When not writing, what can you be found doing?

In my garden or the kitchen. They’re great escapes for me after a long day of writing.  


Battled scarred, Dragon Knight, Alastair MacKay, has fled to the seas to separate himself from his powers that are connected to the land. Yet, when he rescues a woman from a slave trader in Ireland, he steps back inadvertently into a world filled with magic—taking on the role of protector and leading him on a journey to confront his greatest fears.

Research assistant, Fiona O’Quinlan loves translating ancient artifacts at Trinity College. When she falls asleep on an archeological dig, she awakens in another time. She soon discovers a Dragon Knight’s relic has been entrusted into her care. Determined to return the artifact to the Great Glen, Fiona is unprepared for the danger ahead—losing her heart and soul to Alastair “Beast” MacKay.

Will their love be strong enough to soothe the beast and heal the man? Or will Death swing its axe, leaving them lost for all eternity?


He would get the truth out of her. She was now his. Bought and paid for.
His anger simmered just below the surface, and he allowed his eyes to flash with the fire of the dragon. Hearing her gasp, he smiled. Good, little bird. Fear me. Without giving her time to react, he swept her up and dumped her over his left shoulder, and strode to the ship.
He heard her sharp intake of breath, and then she started to pound against his back. “Put...me down,” she demanded.
She started to kick, and he clenched his jaw in frustration. The little bird had talons. He responded with a smack to her bottom, but instead of removing his hand, he kept it against her soft curves. “I will put ye down when we are on my ship.”
She went completely still, and then she screamed.
Alastair dumped her onto the ground. “For the love of Brigid, did ye have to yell into my ear?”
Fiona rubbed at her bottom and then stood. “You beast,” she spat out at him. Jumping onto a nearby boulder, she looked directly into his eyes. “Don’t you ever touch me like that again.”
Alastair yanked her to his chest by her arms, his face mere inches from hers. “And what are ye going to do?” He watched as her eyes widened in alarm. Blue eyes that reminded him of the sky on warm summer days. Then his gaze traveled down to her lips, red as berries.
Instantly, his beast roared to life. Claim one kiss, Alastair.
“I will slit your throat,” she whispered.

Releasing his hold, his beast laughed, mocking him. He stared at her for a few moments before turning away. Stalking over to the ship, he climbed up the ladder.


Buy Links:

Barnes & Noble

I love making new friends:


I am a constant daydreamer and have been told quite often to remove my head from the clouds. Yet, this is where I find the magic to write my stories. Not only do I love to weave a good tale, but I have a voracious appetite for reading. I worked for Borders Books for almost fourteen years. Imagine my delight to be surrounded by so many books, talking to others about them, and getting paid.

Pure bliss!

I have traveled to England, Scotland, Ireland, and France. There are those who know me well when I say, “My heart is in the Highlands.” I believe I have left it there or maybe in Ireland.

When not writing, I enjoy playing in my garden—another place where magic grows. Of course, there is time spent with my family. They are the ones that keep me grounded.

Thanks for stopping by Mary, as always, it's been a pleasure!

Friday, July 24, 2015

New Releases from The Wild Rose Press

These books are ready to be added to your library. Get one today.

She wasn't who he expected. And will his secret garden give her a place to heal? 

The Garden of Love  @21485hayngl

Sparks fly, will they manage to control the blaze before it engulfs them both? 

World's Collide @AuthorAnneAshby

Friday, July 17, 2015

Love's Battle is On Sale

Happy Friday readers.
I'm excited to celebrate Love's Battle's 1 year anniversary.
Join me these next 2 weeks as I embark on a quick blog tour to help promote this 99 cent sale.

Here's where I'll be.... Stop by and say hi.

July 17

JC McKenzie - 
July 18

July 19

July 20
Taylor Brooks
July 21

Mary Morgan
July 22

Rebecca Grace
July 23

Misty Simon

July 24

Peggy Jaeger

July 25

July 26

July 27

Susan Edwards

July 28

Nona Raines

July 29

Isla Grey

July 30-

July 31
Right Here!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Author Interview- Catherine E. McLean

Happy Wednesday readers.
Today I'm welcoming author Catherine McLean to the blog. 

Welcome Catherine, let's start out easy. 
Describe yourself with three words starting with A, B, and C.

Oh, my. The trouble is, I'm a D-Personality: Direct, Decisive, Driven, Determined, and Distressed. The distress is from the frustration others cause by being indirect, indecisive, lacking drive, etcetera. LOL

Suffice to say, I know my personality type because I took a personality test and got the D results.

What are your three favorite things?

My sewing machine, my Cannon digital camera, and my Dell desktop computer.

Are you self-published or with a publishing company (if so, which one?)?

I'm both traditionally and self published. My first book, KARMA AND MAYHEM (paranormal fantasy romance) was published by Soul Mate Publishing. My second, JEWELS OF THE SKY (futuristic adventure/sci-fi, no romance), was self-published because the book tied into the 2012 Mayan calendar's "end of days." Which meant that if JEWELS OF THE SKY didn't get published before the end of 2012, it would be five thousand years until the next opportunity (and I doubted I would live that long).

My latest book, HEARTS AKILTER (fantasy/sci-fi romance) is a novella that will soon be released by The Wild Rose Press. It's a lighthearted futuristic romance, which takes place on my favorite world— Kifel Space Station.

Prior to writing novels, I wrote and sold sci-fi short stories to both hard copy and online magazines and anthologies. The short stories seemed to get longer and longer until I was writing novels. It was in those short stories that I first escaped to Kifel Space Station— and then beyond, to other worlds, for adventure and romance.

Is there a process you stick to, or do you just write as it hits you?

Ah, the Pantser or Plotter question. Well, I'm neither. On the list of 10 TYPES OF WRITERS(link: http://www.rimstoneconceptsllc.com/10-Types-of-Writers-PUB-0000.html) I am what's called a Foundation Writer. That is, I get a story dump— a scene, a character sketch, or a chapter— and in that dump is everything I need to figure out the story. How do I figure things out? I use a Project Bible, one I devised and which works for my novels as well as my short stories. Once I have all the "answers," and the likely outcome of the story is evident (but not written in stone), I begin writing and binge-write until the story is completely drafted.

What's the one thing you would do if you could be your character for a day?

If I could be Marlee (HEARTS AKILTER's protagonist-heroine), I would close and lock her shop door and start taking apart robots to see how they work and what's inside them. And, I will confess, I do like robots, cute little ones, and have used them in many of my stories.

Will there be more books in your series, or can you tell us about any previous books?

I don't have a series per se, but I do have a theme world– Kifel Space Station— which is the setting for HEARTS AKILTER. The preface is: They say there are a million stories to tell of those beings, human and aliens, who pass through the portals and labyrinths of Kifel Space Station. This is but one.

So, yes, there are more stories drafted. All I have to do is clean them up and submit them. That's the hard part, doing the self-editing and polishing.

Once HEARTS AKILTER's launch is done, my goal is to get back to the self-edits on a lighthearted, futuristic romance novel I want to submit. It's a galactic brew of thieves, political intrigue, family duty, government loyalties, and saving face— where notorious privateer Sarina "Dammit" Dannon and no-nonsense government agent Aaron Cantrall can only find love under lite speed.

When not writing, what can you be found doing?

Sewing. I find it so rewarding to have clothes that fit and which are distinct. I have been sewing since I was eight years old, and was a 4-H'er, then a 4-H leader, and now a Project Leader.

I have won numerous prizes and ribbons at the local fairs with my sewing projects, which have ranged from elegant and fancy aprons to finely detailed and tailored coats.

Before retiring from owning and showing Morgan Sport Horses, I made hunt seat, saddleseat, sidesaddle, driving, and western riding attire. I've even made my daughter's medieval costumes.

Currently I'm having a great time creating Erte (the Father of Art Deco) outfits for Darq, the avatar-heroine doll of my novel JEWELS OF THE SKY, and posting photos of them at the book's blog (link: https://jewelsofthesky.wordpress.com/)

My most recent sewing project was a tote bag to use at last month's writer's conference. I wanted a clear plastic pocket on the outside to display a large copy of HEARTS AKILTER's cover. I also needed pockets for pens, paper, business cards, personal items, etc. Of course, the tote is sized so a folder or two and my Android tablet can easily be carried and accessed. (There are a total of eleven pockets.)

The tote also has a handle-strap as well as a removable, leather shoulder strap. This tote will be entered in the local fair (next month).

One thing some people find odd is that I don't quilt. Okay, I might quilt a pocket or something small, but making a bed-sized quilt? No. Sorry. Quilts, and quilting that large a project, just do not appeal to me.

I love all that you've accomplished and that you're so crafty Catherine. Thanks for being with us today. Now, let's take a look at your book.

Hearts Akilter

Applicable genres: fantasy/sci-fi romance, romance, humor (lighthearted)

Length: Novella

Coming soon from The Wild Rose Press

Visit her website (http://www.catherineemclean.com/) to enter to win a $50 gift card as part of the book launch.

Love, vengeance, attempted murder, and a bomb...No reason to panic.

When a medical robot insists he's having a heart attack, Marlee Evans, a pragmatic maintenance technician, has every reason to panic. There's a bomb inside him.  Since Marlee can't risk the bomber discovering she's found the device, her only option is to kidnap Deacon Black, an unflappable bomb expert, and secretly convince him to disarm it.  Things go slightly awry when Deacon sets a trap for someone who is trying to kill him, and inadvertently captures Marlee instead.  Instantly intrigued by her refreshingly forthright and gutsy attitude, he's smitten.  Unfortunately for Deacon, Marlee recently hardened her heart and swore off men, especially handsome ones with boy-next-door grins.  But as Marlee and Deacon attempt to identify and prevent the bomber from detonating the device, they discover that love may be the most explosive force of all.


By Catherine E. McLean @ 2015

The bomb. Right. Dismantle the bomb. In this lift? No, that was insane. “Marlene, if the bomb goes off accidentally—”
“It’ll blow the station to kingdom come?”
He nodded.
     “Not to worry.”
She said that with such nonchalance that he found himself speechless. He cleared his throat. “Why not? Did you snatch the portable Bomb Disposal Unit, too?”
 “What’s better than a BDU?”
“Garbage incinerators.”
“What?” He glanced out into the darkness beyond the lift.
Giant machinery stood silhouetted and veiled in shadows. “Where are we?”
“Deck forty-three, Ring D zero three. Relax. Don’t panic.  They once accidentally incinerated a torpedo in number four, over yonder.”
She pointed to the left. “Nobody heard or felt it explode, and there wasn’t even a drail’s worth of damage done to the incinerator, or anything else.”
            “I don’t believe you.”
            “It happened three years ago. I was there, a deck above.
Never mind.”
Henry manipulated his finger appendage, grabbing and briefly tugging the shirt sleeve of Deacon’s good arm. “Marlee would never lie about anything so important.”
“Does she lie about unimportant things?” He instantly regretted his caustic remark.
“I do not know.” Henry spun sideways, facing Marlee. “Do you lie about unimportant things, Marlee?”
“I have been known to tell a white lie now and then to spare someone’s feelings, but on the whole—” She looked away from Henry.
As her blacker than black eyes met his gaze, Deacon felt pinned to the wall.

Available for Pre-Order Now- Delivered Aug.5, 2015 

The Wild Rose Press: http://bit.ly/1HDhwAT

 About Catherine E. McLean

Besides Catherine being a wife and mother, she has ridden and exhibited Morgan Sport Horses. She's an avid clothing and costume designer, an award-winning amateur photographer, a 4-H leader, and a Red Hatter who loves bling.

She lives on a farm nestled in the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains of Western Pennsylvania. In the quiet of the countryside, she writes fantasy, futuristic, and paranormal stories where a reader can escape to other worlds for adventure and romance.

Her short stories have appeared in hard-copy and online anthologies and magazines. Besides having two novels published, soon to be released is her lighthearted fantasy/sci-fi romance HEARTS AKILTER. Catherine also gives writing workshops, both online and in-person. A schedule is posted at http://www.writerscheatsheets.com/workshops.html

Catherine's website for writers is 
and she blogs at 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Please support my Thunderclap

Hi all, Love's Battle is getting ready to have its first anniversary. 
To celebrate I'm running a two week 99 cent sale and blog tour (more details to follow) and to spread the word, I'm running a Thunderclap campaign. 
By following this link
you can sign up to allow Thunderclap to post a specific message to your Facebook, Twitter, or Tumbler announcing my sale. It's a one time only deal and can be deleted at anytime. 

I have 4 days left to go and right now need 14 more supporters to ensure that my campaign runs.
So please, help an author out, support and spread the word. 

And while you're at it, check out this "ad" I made. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Character Interview with Brenda Whiteside

Happy Thursday readers. 
Please join with me in welcoming back author Brenda Whiteside
Brenda has brought her wonderful characters Lacy and Phoebe with her today for a little chat.
Let's get started.

Angela, thanks so much for having me back. 
I thought everyone might be tired of hearing from me, so I decided to let best friends, Lacy Dahl and Phoebe Anderson, answer a few questions. These two ladies are the heroines in the first two books of my Love and Murder Series.

Me: First off, would you two introduce yourselves?

Lacy: I’ll go first since book one, The Art of Love and Murder, is my story and takes place mainly in Flagstaff, Arizona. I own the Lacy Latte in Scottsdale, Arizona. I bought the coffee café after my husband was killed in a mountain climbing accident three years ago. I have two children, August who is twenty-three and Dylan, who is twenty. After my husband died, I lost both of my adoptive parents. I’m a bit on shaky ground.

Phoebe: Judas Priest, Lacy, you’re stronger than you know. I mean, what about…whoops, can’t talk about that. As for me, I’m a somewhat successful murder mystery author—

Lacy: I’d say more than somewhat!

Phoebe: (clears throat) Anyway, my story is told in book two, Southwest of Love and Murder. I’ve been single forever since I divorced my low-down, cheating husband after one year of marriage. Actually, I have to thank him a little—when I killed him on paper seventeen years ago, the book launched my career.

Me: You two seem very different. How did you meet?

Phoebe: I discovered Lacy’s coffee café not long after she opened. We just clicked. I spend my mornings writing up in the loft while I consume luscious lattes and a delicious scone. Lacy usually joins me for a visit after her morning run…difference number one.

Lacy: We do practice yoga twice a week together.

Phoebe: Does that count as exercise? (pats her waistline) I do enjoy it. Lacy is a dark haired, green-eyed beauty with a figure to kill. She wears a rose-patchouli essential oil mixture and is a shoe nut. She drives a fancy, crimson red BMW Z4.

Lacy: And my dear friend Phoebe, is a blonde—

Phoebe: With a few streaks of pearly gray!

Lacy: Mostly blonde, sometimes braided, lovely Scandinavian woman. She’s healthy looking in her filmy blouses and airy skirts. She wears Holland and Barrett essential lavender oil and drives a VW bug. And she dates the most interesting, artsy men.

Phoebe: Well, at least I date!

Me: Okay, Okay. So you’re like night and day but it works for your friendship.

Phoebe: Well, yes, but we do get tangled up with brothers. Sheriff Chance Meadowlark shares the story with Lacy. I have more than a tumble with his twin brother and rancher, Mason Meadowlark in Chino Valley, Arizona.

Me: It sounds like there’s enough romance and physical contact to go around?

Lacy and Phoebe: Oh yes!

Me: But murder too?

Lacy: I discover some old murders that turn my world upside down. Add the new murder to that, and it gets dicey and intriguing…dangerously so.

Phoebe: I write about murder every day, but I don’t expect it to happen in my real life. An obsessed fan brings my books to life and puts Mason in a world of hurt. Damned if I’ll let that happen—

Me: Wait, Phoebe. Let’s not say too much. Let’s share a teaser on the two books and call it good for today. Thanks, ladies!

The Art of Love and Murder
A mother she never knew, the identity of her father disputed – secrets, threats and murder. Lacy’s past and present collide spinning her deeper into danger and further from love.

Buy Links:




Southwest of Love and Murder
Writing murder mysteries is all in a day's work until an obsessed fan brings Phoebe's stories to life.

Buy Links:


The Wild Rose Press:


Although I didn’t start out to write romance, I’ve found all good stories have to involve complicated human relationships. I’ve also learned, no matter a person’s age, a new discovery is right around every corner. Whether humorous or serious, straight contemporary or suspense, all my books revolve around those two facts.

Visit Brenda at www.brendawhiteside.com.
She blogs on the 9th and 24th of every month at http://rosesofprose.blogspot.com
She blogs about prairie life and writing at http://brendawhiteside.blogspot.com/


 Thank you Brenda, Lacy, and Phoebe for being here today. It was wonderful having you all.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

New Releases from The Wild Rose Press

New releases from The Wild Rose Press. 
Be sure to grab your ebook device and... Feed an author, buy 
a book.

Can a #witch and #werewolf defeat a vengeful #ghost? @DGolinowski Aces Down

Is her brother continuing their father’s gruesome legacy? @csmorganauthor1 
Sins of the Fathers

Friday, July 3, 2015

New Releases from TWRP

New releases from The Wild Rose Press

It's that time again- 

Feed an author, buy a book

There's DANGER AT THATCHAM HALL #murder, jealousy and witchcraft threaten. @FrancesEveshamhttp://www.wildrosepublishing.com/maincatalog_v151/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=242_176_138&products_id=6280 #BritishMystery #Victorian

His cover is blown, he's on the run, and she's HIDING TOM HAWK (by Robert Neil Baker)http://www.wildrosepublishing.com/maincatalog_v151/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=244_235_236&products_id=6279 #Comic #Mystery #fiction